
How To Make Money With 100 Dollars

How to Invest 100 Dollars [And Grow it to $1,000+ Fast]

  • Updated July 10, 2021

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more information.

the millennial money woman blog post "how to invest 100 dollars"

8 Best Ways to Invest $100

Today you're going to see my favorite investing strategies in action.

Specifically, I'll show you how to invest 100 dollars so you can maximize your ROI (return on investment).

Sneak Peek: My Top 2 Best Ways to Invest $100

Best Investment Platform Award:

Best Micro Investing Platform Award:

Hands-down, these 2 investment platforms are arguably the best for most beginner investors.

More on these later.

Here's how you won't invest $100 with my comprehensive guide:

  • You won't invest in real estate deals
  • You won't invest in Wall Street companies
  • You won't invest using private investment managers

However, you will be able to:

  • Invest from your bed
  • Invest on your own

Better yet – you don't need $1 million to start investing or even $100,000 to begin your journey.

"Never forget that you can start investing with as little as $1 a day."

Keep in mind: By "investing" I don't just mean that you should invest in the stock market.

There are many other ways you can invest your money, such as:

  • Investing in yourself
  • Investing in your family
  • Investing in your spouse
  • Investing in your network
  • Investing in your education

However, the majority of millionaires do invest in some form in the stock markets.

the millennial money woman blog post "Percentage of millionaires invested in the stock market statistic"

Image: The Millennial Money Woman | Source: WUSA9

How you invest in the stock market, though, is a matter of how much control you want over your investments.

Sometimes, people prefer to maintain a hands-off, automatic strategy.

In this case, it might be better to:

  • Hire an investment manager (if you have the money)
  • Use a portfolio constructed for you by investment platforms

Other times, people prefer to stay in control of their investment strategy.

In this case, it's likely better to:

  • Open an investment account through a brokerage firm

There is no right or wrong answer here.

My suggestion is that if you are newer to the investment scene, then consider using a portfolio created for you through a passive investing app like M1 Finance or Acorns.

"Don't wait for the right time to come – because there will never be a right time. Start now."

And that's the secret to investing.

You owe it to yourself to begin today and not hold off investing for another day or month or year.

So, if you have:

  • A side hustle
  • Spare change
  • Bonus money
  • Extra spending money

Then use that cash to get ahead of the game.


Check out the 8 best ways to invest $100 below.

best way to invest 100 dollars 1

1. M1 Finance

The first time I had a spare $100, I invested in an ETF (an exchange traded fund), which back then was in the S&P 500, known as the SPX.

That was my first taste of investing.

And I've never looked back since.

I started adding $10 every month to my investment account and let dollar cost averaging and compounding interest take over.

As Albert Einstein once said,

"Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world."

How can you take advantage of compound interest?

By investing your $100 in the stock market.

The best overall investment platform for your $100 investment would likely be M1 Finance .

M1 Finance offers multiple different investment portfolios for your specific situation:

  • No fees for buying or selling
  • There are no management fees
  • You can select your own investments
  • You can open your M1 Finance account with $0
  • M1 Finance automatically manages your portfolio
  • You can start investing once your account grows to $100

If you are a day trader – M1 Finance is NOT the app for you.

M1 is for the long-term investor.

Here's how to invest 100 dollars with M1 Finance:

  1. Download the app
  2. Consider your investment goal: Short term or Long term?
  3. Consider the purpose of your investment: Is it for retirement or for "play?"
  4. With the help of M1 Finance, choose your investment strategy
  5. Start with investing $100
  6. Sit back and relax

Below are the 3 steps to creating your M1 Account:

m1 finance account setup

Here's how you open your M1 Finance account:

  • Create your asset allocation
  • Open your account
  • Fund your account

M1 helps choose your investment strategy and then looks after your investments for you.

What if you invest your $100 using M1 Finance and never invest a single penny again?

Example Investment

Investment time Frame

40 Years

Initial Investment


Annual Return


Additional Deposits


Final Portfolio Value


Inflation will likely eat away at your purchasing power, but look at the return you'll see if you just invested the $100 today, let it sit for 40 years and then pull it out: 15x return!

The point is this:  If you are serious about earning money in the stock market, invest it today and maintain a long term mindset.

best way to invest 100 dollars build a blog

2. Build a Blog

If you are wondering how you can build a passive income stream where you can earn $1,000's if not $10,000's per month, then building a blog is likely your best bet.

If you:

  • Enjoy writing
  • Are a patient person
  • Are considered an expert
  • Passionate about something
  • Enjoy connecting with your audience

Then blogging may be the right choice for you.

I embody 4 of the 5 traits… I'm not exactly your most patient person (and my husband would agree with that!).

A blog can give you:

  • Passive income
  • Increased flexibility
  • Full-time work potential

Blogging allowed me to embrace my inner passions:

  • Writing
  • Personal Finance

Plus, the added flexibility and the time I am now able to spend with my husband and French Bulldog are so valuable all because I started my blog.

Don't get me wrong:  Although blogging adds freedom to my life like I never imagined – it's a long term game.

You likely won't be seeing those $100's after a few months.

To get ahead of the rest, start by creating a website through HostGator .

Host Gator is considered one of the best website hosting platforms (and I run my blog through Host Gator as well).

Do you have an awesome idea for your next blog?

  • Build a website now

Not enough people do this.

How much does a domain name cost?

Mine costs about $15 per year.

How much money can you earn with a blog?

You have an unlimited  earning potential.

the millennial money woman blog post "blogging money statistics"

Image: The Millennial Money Woman | Source: LifeHacker

So how do you generate potential massive amounts of passive income with just $100?

  • Sign up with HostGator
  • Buy a domain name
  • Build your website

Start working toward your goals today.

best way to invest 100 dollars 3

3. Acorns

If you are new to the investment game and don't expect to be investing large chunks of money, you may want to consider micro investing.

Acorns  is likely the most popular micro investing application out there.

Acorns helps you select your investments and then helps manage these investments on an automatic basis.

Acorns offers many different investment options for you:

  • $0 to open account
  • $5 needed to begin investing
  • Offers automatic investment rebalancing
  • Management fees cost between $1 to $5 per month
  • Offers excellent customer support every day from 6am to 7pm PST

How long does it take to set up your Acorns account?

It's ridiculously easy. When I opened my Acorns account, it took me all but 5 minutes.

To give you a little perspective:

I opened my Acorns account while I was in my car, in line for Starbucks.

By the time I had:

  • Ordered my coffee
  • Pulled up to the main window
  • Received my coffee
  • Paid for it all

I had:

  • Downloaded the Acorns app
  • Selected my investment allocation
  • And initiated to transfer my money to my Acorns account

Let me tell you, 5 to 10 years ago, investing $100 was not that easy.

Today, you can invest through your phone within minutes.

Don't wait for tomorrow.
Start today.

best way to invest 100 dollars 4

4. Learn from Online Courses

Millionaires love learning.

In fact, many of the millionaires I have worked with have mentioned that the day they stop learning is the day they start dying.

"What's harder than getting to the top is staying at the top."

And staying at the top entails:

  • Curiosity
  • Education
  • Innovation
  • Mentorship

Especially in today's age with COVID, where so many individuals are working from home, what you need to learn you already have at your fingertips: Your computer.

It's incredible how much you can learn just by purchasing online courses.

There are hundreds of online courses that cost less than $100.

Purchasing courses online will help you:

  • Save time
  • Find short cuts
  • Gain experience
  • Learn a new skill
  • Improve your training

And so much more.

The first 2 online courses I ever purchased were:

  • How to write killer content
  • How to make money through affiliate marketing

I wanted to learn more about how to promote my blog – so I took a course on how to promote my social media account – Twitter.

For example, the content creation course I purchased, Create 24/7  taught me how to:

  • Produce incredible content
  • Ultimately sell my courses online
  • Engage with my social media audience

After taking this course, I increased my followers by 446% and have generated over 1.3 million impressions. All within 30 days.

Increasing my social media game now helps me:

  • Network with others
  • Promote my business
  • Sell my online courses faster
  • Increase my website's popularity
  • Gain faster traction with my website
  • Gain candid feedback from my audience

If you are looking to build an online business or an online presence, then building out your social media following is key.

That's why I took the Create 24/7 Course.

The other course I purchased, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing , helped me understand how to earn money with blogging through affiliate marketing.

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing helped me learn:

  • The basics of affiliate marketing
  • Advanced affiliate marketing tactics
  • Tips and tricks I wouldn't find anywhere else

Although these courses cost me a little bit of money, I am earning my money back – in dividends.

"You can learn anything online."

Your $100 investment can make you more money online than possibly even your full-time job.

If you don't want to spend the money on an online course – then you will need to figure it all out on your own.

This will cost you:

  • Time
  • Energy
  • Possibly more money

Online courses will give you a new skill set that can double the return on your investment in no time.

best way to invest 100 dollars 5

5. Invest in your 401k

Guys and gals – a lot of people don't realize how splendid a 401k can really be.

If you're lucky and your company:

  • Offers you a 401k plan
  • And offers you an employer match

Then I sure hope you are enrolled in your 401k – because there is free money on the table for you.

In plain English?

An employer matching program means there is free money for you!

All you have to do is contribute to your 401k plan and your employer will contribute as well.

Granted, contributing $100 is not much but it's a start.

"If you contribute $100 toward your 401k, then that means, your company may match your $100, so you're getting free money!"

In other words, you just doubled your investment without having to lift a finger.

How to set up a 401k plan:

  • Contact your HR department
  • Select your 401k investments
  • Choose how much money you want to be taken out of your paycheck
  • Sit back, and relax – your 401k deductions will be automatic

And that's why 401ks are so great: They are out of sight, out of mind.

Here's a quick tip for someone who is running their own business: If you want to take advantage of the tax benefits that come with a 401k and you run your own business, then I'd highly suggest you take a look at RocketDollar.

With RocketDollar, you can establish your own 401k (aka Solo 401k) and make contributions to that 401k just as you would a regular, employer-sponsored 401k plan.

best way to invest 100 dollars 6

6. Read

It seems like most self-made millionaires know so much about so many things.

My mentor, who is a serial-entrepreneur can talk to me about:

  • Bacteria
  • Fiber optics
  • World War II
  • Italian fine wine
  • The engine of a race car

And so much more.

How does he know so much?

Sure, he dabbles in a lot of these areas, but let's be real: He has a limited amount of time.

He learns so many life lessons through the art of reading.

the millennial money woman blog post "millionaires that read books statistic"

Reading is becoming a lost art.

"You can learn so many life lessons from reading."

Some millionaires I know simply pick up a book from a local campus book store and read what the students today are reading.

I sometimes use Campus Book Rentals  to select some cheap and up-to-date textbooks on any subject.

For example, the other day I typed in "Money" in the Campus Book Rentals search bar, and found the following books:

  • Manage your Money Like the 1%
  • The Psychology of Money
  • Follow the Money
  • Money Hacks

Books have so much value.

They offer advice on:

  • Personal development
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Investments
  • Business
  • Family
  • Life

You can always apply something from these books to your life.

best way to invest 100 dollars 7

7. Invest in Relationships

Another reason why millionaires become – and stay – so successful is because of their professional network.

"You are only as valuable as your relationships."

Networking can make or break your career.

In fact, networking can help you with:

  • Training
  • Referrals
  • Prospects
  • New mentors
  • Increased credibility
  • Improved social skills
  • Potential to advance your career

So if you have $100 and want to invest that $100 to build your relationships and strengthen your network, then I'd make some of the following suggestions:

  • Invite your mentor for coffee
  • Build a new relationship over lunch
  • Buy them a small gift of appreciation

Why do I speak so much about mentors?

millionaires that credit their success to their mentors statistic

Image: The Millennial Money Woman | Source: FastCompany

If you use your $100 and invest it in your mentor or soon-to-be mentor, you show that you care for them and that you you want to build the relationship.

best way to invest 100 dollars 8

8. Learn about things outside of the classroom

How many of you believe that what they teach you in school is not enough?

I sure stand by this statement.

School taught me:

  • English
  • Biology
  • Calculus
  • Geometry
  • Chemistry
  • Trigonometry

The basic subjects.

However, reflecting back on my middle school and high school experience, I never really learned concepts that could have accelerated my career trajectory.

That's where it's important to learn things outside of the classroom.

Mindvalley  is a program that prepares people for life with excellence.

In this program, you learn about things like:

  • Resilience to stress
  • Building relationships
  • Growing your influence
  • Increasing your confidence

Open your mind to new experiences and lessons that you may not always learn in the classroom.

Apply these life lessons to your everyday practices and watch how you will feel more satisfied and complete.

Closing Thoughts

Ultimately, it's not about the amount of money you have to invest – it's about your:

  • Will
  • Discipline
  • Determination

Although $1,000 will make a difference when it comes to investing, it still shouldn't come down to the amount of money.

"How you treat a $10 investment will determine how you will treat a $1,000 investment."

So even if you may not have $1,000 to invest right now , it's important to start building those healthy investing habits today.

Like I mentioned in the introduction, investing doesn't necessarily have to mean invest 100% of your 100 dollars into the stock market.

Investing 100 dollars could mean:

  • Investing in yourself
  • Investing in relationships
  • Investing in your business
  • Investing in furthering your education

And so much more.

The point that I back 100% is this: Start today. Start now.

There will never be that "perfect" time to start investing.

So do it now.

Your bank accounts will thank me later.

How do you plan to invest your next $100?

Related: Best ways to invest $1000
Related: Personal finance tips

Fiona Smith

Fiona Smith

The Millennial Money Woman was founded by Fiona Smith. She holds her Master of Science Degree in Personal Financial Planning and has co-founded a local non-profit community teaching financial literacy to young professionals.

2 thoughts on "How to Invest 100 Dollars [And Grow it to $1,000+ Fast]"

  1. Wow!
    Thanks Fiona.
    This an eye opener to a vast of opportunities. There are actually so many ways to invest 100 dollars. Its easier to spent 100 dollars than to invest. Investing in your self inform of education is a great way. For example there are so many online great courses that you could buy even less than 100 dollars.

    This is a good resource.

    1. You're welcome Paul.

      I'm glad you enjoyed it! And thank you for your kind words 🙂

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How To Make Money With 100 Dollars


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